January 2023

Expected payments are live ⚡

Very simply, these are a way for you to track funds you expect to receive. We will then match them against real payments coming into your bank accounts and PSPs.

  • You can see all your expected payments in the dashboard with different statuses against each one.
  • Automated matching links transactions coming in from bank accounts or PSP (Payment Service Providers like GoCardless), based on key payments data points.
  • Track which customer owes what, by creating client accounts and running reporting on the outputs.

If something cannot be matched automatically, then we give you tooling in the dashboard to investigate where the missing transaction may be. Then you can link the relevant transaction to the expected payment.

As an operations person you can go and investigate where the corresponding transaction is, linking the records and assigning an amount to pay off the outstanding payment. This is key to track you are being paid correctly by your customers.

Add files of transaction data into the dashboard and API
Some banks or payments providers don't have API interfaces to pull data from. By adding files you can input transaction data for any bank or payment provider in the world!

Our onboarding flow has been levelled up
Meaning it's super easy to get up and running with multiple users and entities.

Bug Fixes and Improvements 🐛

  • Extended capacity to pull large volumes of account information.
  • Fixed a paging issue when getting a list of Expected Payments.
  • Inviting a new user will now only send one email.
  • Extended set of currencies supported so that any account can be linked.

Get in touch for access to our APIs & dashboard.